Questions Submitted to Seventh & Tryon
(Added 3/21) Can I share the RFQ with another firm to begin assembling a team?
(Added 3/21) Can a firm be on multiple teams?
(Added 4/11) Does each team have to include a team member that can deliver all of the proposed program elements during this phase of the selection process?
It is a requirement of the RFQ that each responding master developer be able to deliver all of the program elements either through its own forces or through the support of other entities.
(Added 3/21) Are you willing to share the names of developers who may submit a proposal?
(Added 4/11) I was wondering if there is a list of interested bidders available for the development in downtown Charlotte?
The stakeholders have no way of knowing which firm(s) may or may not submit a proposal.
(Added 3/21) Can you disclose who received a copy of the solicitation?
(Added 3/21) Could you send me a list of the developers to whom this was sent?
This RFQ has been widely distributed and published and is open to any firm that feels it meets the qualifications to be Master Developer for the Seventh & Tryon project.
(Added 3/21) We are a General Construction firm interested in the project, can we meet with you to discuss our involvement?
(Added 3/21) We do environmental assessment work and are interested in talking with you about the project.
(Added 3/21) Are you asking developers to choose design teams as part of this solicitation?
(Added 3/21) I wanted to touch base with you to see if you have a low voltage vendor in mind for your upcoming Seventh and Tryon project.
(Added 3/21) I am interested in talking with you about our CPM schedule consulting services on the referenced project.
(Added 3/21) I was hoping that I might contact your local estimating team in hopes of quoting your scaffold, personal/material hoist, rigging and shoring needs.
(Added 4/11) My team and I are interested in working with your organization on the Seventh and Tyron project specific to the residential appliances. Who do I speak with to obtain the schedules, appliance specs, unit matrix, etc. so we can bid the job?
(Added 4/11) I was wondering if any of those building are to be wood framed?
(Added 4/11) We would like to get our name in early for your awarded GC to bid on buck hoist needs, and mast climber needs.
(Added 4/11) How do I get shop drawings to participate in this project?
(Added 4/11) If this project is specified with engineered wood I-Joists, I would like to coordinate a bid.
(Added 4/11) I supply mill-direct lumber and I’m interested in bidding if so. I don’t know if you are the right person to reach out to but maybe you can point me the right way?
(Added 4/11) Please direct me to the right responsible person in your company dealing with procurement and purchasing.
This RFQ is for Master Developer selection only. Respondents are not required to submit design or construction team members as part of their response to this RFQ. The selected Master Developer will be responsible for submitting its construction and design team members later in the selection process.
(Added 3/21) Aldersgate Life Plan Services is a not-for-profit provider of senior living services… How do we become involved to share how our team might bring you and your team value to this venture?
(Added 3/21) GBX Group, LLC… is interested in Hall House and would like to know how we can help with the Landmark project.
(Added 3/21) RLPS Architects & RLPS Interiors may have senior living providers who could be interested in being part of a development team. How do we get involved?
(Added 3/21) Moseley Real Estate Advisors represents Drury Hotels… We wanted to reach out to see if there would be an opportunity to participate in the RFQ process with our hospitality client.
Each respondent is required to have a development team that can deliver all elements of the proposed Seventh & Tryon development program. The Seventh & Tryon stakeholders encourage the formation of teams that can deliver all of its conceptual program components but leaves the formation of teams up to respondents.
(Added 7/22) What are the funding sources for the library redevelopment? Are they already committed?
The funding for the new Main Library will come from the Mecklenburg County Capital Investment Program and the Library’s Capital and Endowment Campaign. County funds are currently committed. The new Main Library has begun the quiet phase of the campaign, which is expected to continue for two (2) or more years. Additional information about the Library funding from the County can be found here in the Mecklenburg County Approved FY2019 – FY2023 Capital Improvement Plan:
(Added 7/22) You indicate a 2020 start and a 2023 completion of the new Main Library. Is there a target start date?
As indicated on the Timeline added to the Appendix as Exhibit M, construction is anticipated to begin in early to mid-2020.
(Added 7/22) What are the next steps in the new Main Library redevelopment to ensure that the new Main Library will be ready to start redevelopment in 2020? Please provide a schedule for the Library and confirm that our operations/development/ construction process is free of impact for the operation of the Library once it is open to the public.
Please see the Timeline for the new Main Library development process that has been added to the Appendix as Exhibit M.
We anticipate there will need to be coordination of construction activities that occur after the completion of the new Main Library with Library operations staff. The new Main Library will be planned and implemented in close coordination and communication with the selected developer to mitigate construction coordination issues as much as possible.
(Added 7/22) What details can you share about the new Main Library service details and requirements? Can you share the Library PowerPoint presentation that was shared at the June 11th Meeting?
(Added 7/22) Provide copies of the design development plans for the new Main Library as soon as they are available. I understand that the architectural firm doing the work is presenting their DDs to the Library Board in the next few weeks.
(Added 7/22) When will the new Main Library’s new property lines be available for use in concept planning?
(Added 7/22) Is it possible to schedule a “design workshop” with the new Main Library design team focused on the details of service access to the new Library?
The conceptual plans for the new Main Library will be presented to the Library Board of Directors and County Board of Commissioners later this summer. We do not anticipate the new Main Library conceptual plans to be approved until after the RFP due date. We will coordinate and communicate with the selected developer to ensure the overall 7th and Tryon development is planned in a coordinated fashion.
Library planning includes some preliminary thoughts on how to provide service to the new Main Library building. Several options are under consideration including the two which were presented during the pre-proposal conference. We encourage thoughtful consideration and creative master planning options that deliver the open space objectives while also providing required service access for the new Main Library, McGlohon and Duke Energy Theatres. Respondents shall assume the property lines are as indicated in the Request for Proposal documents.
(Added 7/22) Are there other forms of public subsidies that have been identified for this redevelopment?
There have been very preliminary discussions related to tax increment or reduced prices to support the project. No final determinations have been made; developers should submit proposals that include subsidies that are feasible and achievable.
(Added 7/22) Who is on the Do Not Call List?
The Do Not Call List includes all Stakeholder board member and all elected officials. This is intended to allow Respondents to do any proper due diligence that may enhance your proposal while also protecting against any actions that may be perceived as lobbying.
(Added 7/22) If I do banking business with the Bank of America, how should that process work? Our principal Lender is with Bank of America. At some point, a discussion of debt structure will be essential.
We want to emphasize there is no requirement to obtain financing from any particular lender. Using Bank of America will not provide an advantage, nor will it be considered a disadvantage. If an RFP Respondent wishes to seek financing from Bank of America, that party should contact his or her relationship manager. RFP Respondents will have the ability to work with their customary bankers in a business as usual environment. It is possible that Bank of America may be working with other parties who may be involved in a competing transaction. Any such financing services will be provided by separate deal teams, and client confidentiality will be maintained, as always.
(Added 7/22) DaVinci includes representatives who are former employees of some of the short-listed developers being invited to respond to the RFP. How can we be assured that there is no conflict of interest and that this is a fully competitive process?
Respondents can be assured there is no conflict of interest with any member of DaVinci and that this is a fully competitive process. The DaVinci team is not scoring proposals, only the five (5) property owners will be scoring proposals to make the selection.
(Added 7/22) How was the original framework created?
The original framework was created through Stakeholder and community input. The work began in 2015 when the project centered solely in the new Main Library block and surrounding land in that block owned by the County and City. The project was expanded later in 2016 to include nearby holdings by Bank of America. The original thesis of the framework was that Seventh & Tryon should leverage the energy of the surrounding cultural and arts use, and that the development would serve as a catalyst for the corridor. This is a central tenet for the stakeholders.
(Added 7/22) Are there any proposal ideas that are “off the table”?
The project objectives and desired deal elements as outlined in the solicitation documents reflect the common goals and aspirations of the Stakeholders and have been tested with the community. While they are intended to serve as a starting point, we will review and entertain proposals that enhance the suggested framework, provided the basic objectives are met.
(Added 7/22) Can a Respondent share a proposed plan before the RFP due date to make sure it is acceptable?
No, this is not practical. As stated above, the original framework is flexible, provided the original objectives are met and built upon.
(Added 7/22) What is the definition of the MWSBE requirement?
The project MWSBE goal is 30% or greater. Proposals shall indicate a sound strategy and an achievable plan with measurable outcomes to meet the goal. MWSBE firms shall be as defined by the State of NC: For more information about the City’s MWSBE requirements, visit this link: A directory of firms that have been certified as a City Registered MWSBE can be found here:
(Added 7/22) What are the Davis Bacon requirements?
The Stakeholders are not imposing a Davis Bacon requirement. The application of Davis Bacon will be determined by the source(s) of funding. For example, federally funded programs such as CDBG, HOME and Project Based Vouchers trigger Davis Bacon wage rate requirements. Davis Bacon wage rates are determined by location and category of work and depending upon the category, can impact project budgets significantly. Respondents choosing a funding source that requires Davis Bacon must adhere to the applicable requirements and include the impacts in any financial projections.
(Added 7/22) Can the short-listed teams change team members as needed to meet the objectives of the RFP?
It is acceptable to add development partners to address specific uses at this time. It is not acceptable for primary development partnerships as stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP) responses to be changed, nor is it acceptable to make changes to the guarantors after a response to the RFP has been submitted.
(Added 7/22) Can you share a copy of all of the PowerPoint presentations that were shared at the June 11th Meeting?
The presentation from the DaVinci team as well as from Center City Partners have been included in the Appendix as Exhibit O and Exhibit P. The new Main Library will not be shared at this as stated above.
(Added 7/22) To include a senior living component with full continuum of care, we will require the Stakeholder’s assurance of a Certificate of Need.
The intent of the Stakeholders is to have a diverse and intergenerational residential population. If senior housing is proposed, we envision the senior housing component being independent living which does not require a Certificate of Need. If the respondent wishes to expand the senior living program to skilled care, the Respondent would be solely responsible for obtaining a Certificate of Need as required.